January/February 2025 - Vol. XLVI No. 270
Succeeding With CEO Succession
By Claudius Hildebrand
What are the five stages in a CEO’s career (and how does the board manage them for success)?
Time for An In-House Counsel To Join Your Board?
By Kyhm Penfil
The skills sought for director excellence can be found in another company's corporate counsel’s office.
A Vision for Board Cybersecurity Governance
By Lee Parrish
Your board will soon be required to prove effective cyber oversight. Are you ready?
Dangers in Director Resignation
By Asaf Eckstein and Ziv Granov
A board member quits in a huff. What are the dangers, and what must you disclose?
How Do Boards Put Sustainability Into Action?
By Amy Brachio and Sharon Sutherland
Corporate commitments are easy. The sustained follow through is the tough part.

November/December 2024 - Vol. XLV No. 269
Putting Board AI Oversight to Work
By Tara Giunta and Lex Suvanto
New regulations will demand close board oversight of artificial intelligence. Are you ready?
Shaping an Effective Clawback Policy
By Jane Storero
The SEC now expects you to have an effective plan to clawback incentive pay.
ISO37000: A New Standard for Governance
By Paul Dubal
A new, international blueprint for certifying corporate governance is ready.
KPIs, KRIs, KCIs and Your Board
By Roger Chao
Without good measures for performance, risk and controls, your board is flying blind.
The Board's Role in Fostering Innovations
by Soubhagya Parija and Christopher Mandel
Most corporate cultures find innovation too risky. Can your board shake things up?

September/October 2024 - Vol. XLV No. 268
The Hitchhiker's Guide to ESG
By Hester M. Peirce
ESG has been a popular ride-along for corporations – but are the benefits real?
From CEO to Colleague: The "FIP" Challenge
By Betsy Atkins
Adding a “formerly important person” to your board brings plusses and minuses.
Why COOs Belong in Your Boardroom
By Heather C. Jones
Chief operating officers are the next boardroom talent trend.
Trends for the Nominating/Governance Committee
By Paul DeNicola and Carin Robinson
This formerly sleepy committee has become the heartbeat of the board.
Minutes are Worth the Minutes
by Leo E. Strine, Jr.
Board minutes “are like eating your least favorite vegetable” – but vital to governance health.